Hands-on test tooling workshops by bol.com and VX Company
These instructions are for the bol.com Techlab meetup, co-organized with VX Company.
New testing tools are introduced every week it seems, but how new and useful are they really? The search for the ultimate tool seems to be a never-ending quest. As IT professionals we are required to continuously stay up to date, to keep learning and expand our knowledge. Let us help you with that.
During this meetup, you will get to experience a mix of new, promising & exciting, test automation tools in hands-on workshops. For each tool there will be a short introduction and some exercises, so be prepared to get your hands dirty. Let's see how these new kids on the block stack up to the usual suspects.
The Tools
We've selected the following tools for you to experiment with tonight:
- Cucumber and Karate
- FitNesse with HSAC fixtures
- Cypress.io
In order to be able to compare the tools we recommend you try to solve the same problems with multiple tools tonight, to really get a feel for how easy, or how hard, certain tasks are in the different tools.
Getting started
First things first: we need to setup a development environment. Head over to the setup section and we will get you sorted.